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Title Experimental Evaluation of Recycled Aggregate Concrete for Freeze-thaw and Carbonation Resistance Considering Various Curing Conditions from Climate Change
Authors 이태희(Tae Hee Lee) ; 양달훈(Dal Hun Yang) ; 김태균(Tae Kyun Kim) ; 최승재(Seung Jai Choi) ; 김장호(Jang Ho Jay Kim)
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 기후변화; 순환골재 콘크리트; 동결-융해 저항성; 탄산화 저항성; 내구성 climate change; recycled aggregate concrete; freeze and thaw resistance; carbonation resistance; durability
Abstract Extreme climate conditions due to climate change are currently emerging as a global issue. Those conditions include extreme heat, cloudbursts, heavy snowfall, and super typhoons. These climate conditions directly and indirectly affect construction. Also, with growing awareness in society regarding environmental protection, it is increasingly difficult to procure and dispose of construction materials. Although recycling construction waste is considered the best solution, and promoted by various laws and regulations, recycled construction waste currently has only primary uses, such as filling material. To increase actual recycling, a wider range of studies on safety and durability of recycled materials is needed. Through safety and durability experiments, this study aims to determine the performance of construction waste concrete (referred to hereafter as recycled aggregate concrete) in varying climate conditions (temperature, humidity, wind speed, and sunlight exposure time). In order to study safety, strength was measured using 3, 7, and 28-day measurements of concrete compressive strength and splitting tensile strength. Also, durability experiments were conducted both a freeze-thaw experiment and a carbonation experiment.