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Title Evaluation on Cyclic Flexural Behavior of HSRC (Hybrid H-steel-reinforced Concrete) Beams Connected with Steel Columns
Authors 권혁진(Hyuck-Jin Kwon) ; 양근혁(Keun-Hyeok Yang) ; 홍승현(Seung-Hyun Hong)
Page pp.291-298
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 하이브리드 보 ; HSRC 보 시스템 ; 장부철근 ; 휨 연성 hybrid beam ; HSRC beam ; dowel bar ; flexural ductility
Abstract The objective of the present study is to evaluate the cyclic flexural behavior of a hybrid H-steel-reinforced concrete (HSRC) beam at the connection with a H-steel column. The test parameter investigated was the configuration of dowel bars at the joint region of the HSRC beam. The HSRC beam was designed to have plastic hinge at the end of the H-steel beam rather than the RC beam section near the joint. All specimens showed a considerable ductile behavior without a sudden drop of th applied load, resulting in the displacement ductility ratio exceeding 4.6, although an unexpected premature welding failure occurred at the flanges of H-steel beams connecting to H-steel column. The crack propagation in the RC beam region, flexural strength, and ductility of HSRC beam system were insignificantly affected by the configuration of dowel bars. The flexural strength of HSRC beam system governed by the yielding of H-steel beam could be conservatively evaluated from the assumption of a perfect plasticity state along the section.