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Title Pozzolanicity of Calcined Sewage Sludge with Calcination and Fineness Conditions
Authors 소형석(Hyoung-Seok So) ; 소승영(Seung-Young So) ; 장칩더르지(Janchivdorj Khulgadai) ; 강재홍(Jae-Hong Kang) ; 이민희(Min-Hi Lee)
Page pp.65-73
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 소성하수슬러지 ; 소성온도 ; 소성시간 ; 포졸란 반응성 ; 분말도 calcined sewage sludge ; calcination temperature and time ; pozzolanic activity ; fineness
Abstract This study discussed the pozzolanic properties of calcined sewage sludge (CSS) according to calcination and fineness conditions. The chemical and mineralogical analysis of CSS according to calcination temperature and time were carried out and compared with that of the existing pozzolanic materials such as fly-ash, blast furnance slag and meta-kaolin. Various mortars were made by mixing those CSS and Ca(OH)2 (1:1 wt. %), and their compressive strength and hydrates according to experimental factors such as fineness of CSS and curing age were also investigated in detail. The results show clearly the potentiality of calcined sewage sludge (CSS) as an admixture materials in concrete, but the CSS should be controlled by calcination temperature and time, and fineness etc. In this experimental condition, the calcination temperature of 800°C, calcination time of 2 hours and fineness of 5,000 cm2/g were optimum conditions in consideration of the mechanical properties and economic efficiency of CSS. The compressive strength of CSS mortars was higher than that of fly-ash mortars and blast furnace slag mortars, especially at the early ages. Then, the utilization of CSS in construction fields was greatly expected.