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Title Seismic Retrofit of School Facilities Using Rapping and Attaching Composite Material
Authors 박춘욱 ; 김동휘 ; 권민호 ; 최열
Page pp.135-142
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 교육시설 ; 부착형 복합재료빔 ; 래핑형 복합재료빔 ; 기둥내진보강 school facilities ; attaching composite material beam ; rapping composite material beam ; column seismic retrofit
Abstract In paper after the strong earthquake of recently the Korea neighborhood, the Korean government survey show that the 86% of school buildings in Korea are in potential damage risk and only 14% of them are designed as earthquake-resistance buildings. Earthquake Reinforcing projects of school have been a leading by the ministry of education, however their reinforcing methods done by not proved a engineering by experiment which results in uneconomical and uneffective rehabilitation for the future earthquake. An experimental and analytical study have been conducted for the shear reinforcing method of RC beam by axis and horizontal axis load using attaching composite beam. Based on the previous research, in this study, design examples are given to show the performance evaluation for the column reinforcing of old school buildings using nonlinear analysis is going to be conducted and strengthening method is going to be on the market after their performance is proved by the test.