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Title Constitutive Law of Reinforced Concrete Subjected to Biaxial Tension
Authors 조재열 ; 김남식 ; 조남소 ; 전영선
Page pp.69-77
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 응력-변형률 관계; 철근콘크리트; 2축 인장; 철근비; 파괴포락선 biaxial tension ; reinforced concrete; constitutive law; reinforcement ratio
Abstract One directional and biaxial tension tests of 13 reinforced concrete panels were conducted to derive a constitutive law of concrete. Based on the test results, a model equation is derived for the stress-strain relationship of concrete in tension. Main test variables are reinforcement ratio and the load ratio applied in two directions. In addition a failure envelope of concrete in tension-tension region is suggested based on the initial crack occurrence. Test results show that the concrete carries substantial tensile stress even after cracking occurrence. However, the application of this proposed stress-strain relationship for concrete is limited to the case where the direction of reinforcement coincides with the direction of the applied principal stresses