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Title Serviceability Verification Based on Tension Stiffening Effect in Structural Concrete Members
Authors 이기열 ; 김민중 ; 김우 ; 이화민
Page pp.15-23
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 균열폭 ; 곡률 ; 처짐 ; 포물-사각형 응력-변형률 곡선 ; 인장증강효과 crack width ; curvature ; deflection ; parabola-rectangle stress-strain curve ; tension stiffening effect
Abstract This paper is about proposal of a calculation method and development of an analytical program for predicting crack width and deflection in structural concrete members. The proposed method numerically calculate stresses in steel rebar using a parabola-rectangle stress-strain curve and a modified tension stiffening factor considering the effect of the cover thickness. Based on the study results, a calculation method to predict crack width and deflection in reinforced concrete flexural members is proposed utilizing effective tension area and idealized tension chord as well as effective moment-curvature relationship considering tension stiffening effect. The calculation method was applied to the test specimens available in literatures. The study results showed that the crack width and deflections predicted by the proposed method were closed to the experimentally measured data compared the current design code provisions.