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Title An Experimental Study on the Flexural Behavior of the Round Concrete Panels according to the Evaluation Method of Biaxial Flexural Tensile Strengths
Authors 김지환 ; 지광습
Page pp.479-486
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 콘크리트 ; 방사형 균열 ; 이방향 응력 상태 ; 등방성 인장응력 ; 이방향 인장강도 concrete ; radial crack ; biaxial stress state ; isotropic tensile stress ; biaxial tensile strength
Abstract In this study, we conducted experiment and finite element analysis on the flexural behavior of the round concrete panels according to the evaluation method of biaxial flexural tensile strengths. The Round Panel Test (RPT) and the Biaxial Flexure Test (BFT) were used to determine the biaxial flexural strength of round plain concrete panels. In order to understand the stress distribution on the panels, we measured load-strain relationship at the center of the panels' bottom surface. Test results show that fracture pattern in RPT and BFT panels are similar, and the tensile stress distribution is uniform in all directions at the center of the bottom surface of the panels for both RPT and BFT. The distribution of stresses in two test specimens coincided with the analysis result. The average biaxial flexural strength of RPT is about 29% greater than those of the BFT. The coefficient of variations (COV) of the RPT and BFT for the biaxial flexure strength is 8%, 6%, respectively, which indicates that BFT method is useful and reliable for determining biaxial flexural strengths of the concrete.