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Title Spalling and FIre Enduring Properties of High Strength RC Column Subjected to Axial Load Depending on Fiber Contents
Authors 한천구 ; 황인성 ; 이재삼 ; 김경민
Page pp.83-90
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords RC 기둥 ; 고성능 콘크리트의 폭열 ; 폴리프로필렌 섬유 ; 셀룰로오스 섬유
Abstract This parer investigates experimentally the fire resistance performance and spalling resistance of high performance reinforced concrete column member suhjected to fire containing polypropylene fiber(PP fiber) and cellulose fiber(CL fiberl. An increase in PP fiber and CL fiber contents, respectively resulted in a reduction of fluidity due to fiber ball effect. Air content is constant with an increase in fiber content. Compressive strength reached beyond CD MPa. Based on fire resistance test, severe failure occurred with control concrete specimen, which caused exposure of reinforcing bar. No spall occurred with specimen containing PP fiber. This is due tD the discharge of internal vapour pressure. Use of CL fiber superior tn control concrete in the side of spalling resistance, localized failure at comer of specimen was ohserved. Comer of specimen had deeper neutralization than surface of specimen. Specimen containing PP fiber had the least damaged area due tD spalling. Neutralization depth ranged between 6 and 8 mm Residual compressive strength of specimen containing PP fiber maintained 40% which is larger than control concrete with 20% of residual strength. Specimen containing CL fiber had 25% of residual strength.